Holly Gillson


Holly Gillson - PMO

Holly Gillson


  • My role in a nutshell…
    I help to manage resources across the different departments in the business to ensure we have the right amount of time and skills in order to deliver to our clients. My role also includes internal reporting, governance and supporting Project Managers.

  • The favourite part of my job…
    I really like the problem solving part of my role where you look at the schedule and have to think about what skills and experience are needed to complete a particular part of a project. I also enjoy getting involved with internal reporting, where we analyse data including capacity reports, outsourced costs and time entry records.

  • A typical day…
    I have a lot of communication with Project Managers and department leads to ensure things are running smoothly. This involves checking that the project timeline is accurate and ensuring we have the right capacity, so we are aligned for delivery. I also run meetings with leads in different departments to understand resourcing risks and issues, and oversee junior team members managing the freelance pool.

  • A personal insight…
    Many conversations happen behind the scenes, and a lot of work goes into ensuring projects run smoothly. The resource and risk forums have been key for us to forward plan and mitigate any potential issues before they spread to the wider team.

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